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Face-to-face support for people living with Parkinson's

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At a time when everything seems to be moving towards internet and telephone support, it is clear from many discussions with clients that this risks isolating those who do not have access to the internet, may find the thought of contacting an unfamiliar person daunting, or discussing sensitive or delicate issues over the phone/internet uncomfortable or undignified, or maybe cannot use the phone or internet due to physical limitations.


It is also well known that most communication is non-verbal, with words only playing a small part of the true message. Without the expressions, body language and tone, so much can be missed or misconstrued especially over the phone, internet, text, and email.


We are convinced that in the move towards remote provision of services there should be exceptions for those whose conditions would be more likely to isolate them rather than benefit them. Parkinson’s is certainly one of the conditions which, for some, will always need face-to-face support. Our vision is to ensure that free face-to-face support remains available to anyone who’s lives with Parkinson’s, MSA, PSP or CBD from diagnosis onwards.

Face2Face Parkinson's Community Interest Company

10 Charborough Road, Bristol, BS34 7RA

Tel.  07851 976796

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